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Best Mushrooms For Pizza Topping

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Best Mushrooms For Pizza Topping - Pizza Bien

The mushroom is a classic addition to pizza, adding a savory earthiness to the dish. Despite their common appearance, mushrooms have many distinct tastes and textures. 

While white button mushrooms are the most common variety, you can also use other types to elevate your pizza's presentation. If you're planning to use mushrooms as a pizza topping, you can use fresh or frozen mushrooms. 

These versatile vegetables can also be used as garnishes, making them one of the most desirable toppings. Hence without any further ado, let's get into it more!

How To Use Fresh Mushrooms For Pizza

Whether you're making a savory grilled dish or a delicious roasted pizza, the mushroom is a great way to bring an elegant touch to the dish. Its small, cap-like stems add to the natural flavor of the dish. 

If you're using fresh mushrooms, make sure to sauté them first before placing them on the pizza. Remember that mushrooms should never be placed directly into the oven, as they may contain bacteria and germs. 

Some of the best mushroom pizza recipes feature freshly-grown herbs. Growing herbs can be a rewarding hobby, and you don't even need a garden! A sunny ledge will do just fine! Herbs also give your cooking a healthier flavor without adding extra calories.

Roasted mushrooms can be served with a simple sauce or sauteed with herbs. If you're preparing a meal for a family, consider adding a colorful vegetable to the plate before topping your pizza.

Best Mushrooms For Pizza Topping

Below are some of the best mushrooms that you can use as a pizza topping on your own pizza crust. You can also use these mushrooms on top of your frozen delivery pizza to give it some zing and pep!

1. Shiitake Mushroom

If you're into upscale meals, you may want to try shiitake mushrooms. They're rich in protein and have a deep flavor, and they're one of the best mushrooms for pizza topping. They're particularly delicious when cooked. 

Although they're expensive, they're a great option for vegetarian pizza toppings, thanks to their high protein and fiber content. While they're expensive, truffles are also better suited to Spanish ingredients. 

2. White Button Mushrooms

Available around the year, this mushroom is available all across the world and is ready to be served with any topping! White button mushrooms have a mild earthy taste that leaves room for them to absorb the flavor of any topping you pair them with.

Even with the most ordered pizza toppings like pineapple, white button mushrooms work their magic through the flavors and will be perfect for any cheesy pizza. 

3. Chanterelles

You can also try chanterelles. These mushrooms are white, have a nutty flavor, and are commonly used in Italian cooking. Porcini mushrooms, on the other hand, are very prized and are available dried. 

They can be soaked in hot water and sliced thinly for pizza topping. You'll need to cook them until the liquid is released from them. Depending on your budget and your personal taste, you might want to experiment with different varieties.

4. Cremini

If you're out of Portobello mushrooms, Cremini can be your next choice. Cremini mushrooms are also called baby Bella mushrooms because they're harvested midway through growing. 

They're small in size and have a meaty texture. So if you're vegan and planning to make a meaty pizza. Cremini can be your next option!

5. Porcini

Porcini's, which are best for sauteing, add a rich woodsy flavor to pizza and complement other toppings. Porcini can also be frozen for later use, but the texture might differ from fresh ones. If you want to have the best Italian truffle pizza, order porcini truffle pizza right now!

If you're planning on using mushrooms on a pizza, make sure to rehydrate dried porcinis in boiling water for 30 minutes. This will bring out their flavors greatly and make them one of the best mushrooms for pizza topping. 

Can I Use Canned Mushrooms On Pizza?

Yes, you can most certainly use canned mushrooms on pizza. Canned mushrooms are, in fact, encouraged to be used on top of pizza because they're pre-cooked and contain a bit of added necessary micro and macronutrients like Vitamin B-complex, iron, calcium, and more. 

Not only are canned mushrooms delicious, but they're also cost-effective, nutritious, and have a longer shelf life in comparison to fresh mushrooms.

Even though canned mushrooms are pre-cooked, you must cook them in a frying pan for 2-3 minutes in medium heat with any oil of your choice. After the water has evaporated, you can take it off the pan and lay it out on top of your delicious pizza and cheese. 

If you're wondering what cheese to use for mushroom pizza, click here.

Should You Put Mushrooms on Pizza Raw Or Cooked?

Should You Put Mushrooms on Pizza Raw Or Cooked - mushrooms for pizza topping - Pizza Bien

If you are looking to make a mushroom pizza, you're probably wondering whether you should put them on the dish raw or cooked. After all, the texture of a mushroom is a key factor in how well it goes with pizza.

Mushrooms contain a lot of water and will release this moisture when they are cooked. If you try to put raw mushrooms on your pizza, you'll end up with a soggy, watery mess. When deciding to cook your mushrooms, take their density into account. 

If they are dense, they may not cook fully and release lots of water. To prevent this, try cooking them partially in the oven or pre-cook them.

Here are Some more Tips for Putting Mushrooms on Pizza.

  • When cooking mushrooms, make sure to drain any excess water from them. 
  • A good trick is to deglaze the mushrooms with red wine after cooking. Adding some wine will bring out their natural flavor and make them more enjoyable. 
  • When adding mushrooms to your pizza, always make sure that they're completely cooked before you add them. If you don't cook them completely, the water will ooze out and result in a bland and limp product. 
  • When you're using canned mushrooms, remember that they're filled with saltwater. If you leave them in the water for too long, they will soak up the water and make your pizza watery. To avoid this problem, you can use a damp kitchen towel to pat the mushrooms dry. Then, use a pan or skillet with oil to fry your mushrooms before putting them on the pizza. 

How To Make Mushroom Pizza

Many people want to know the exact way to make a mushroom pizza. Below is the easiest mushroom pizza recipe, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned chef who's pursuing their journey to pizza making.

Mushroom Pizza Crust: When using homemade pizza dough, make sure to use high-quality, whole-grain flour. Otherwise, you'll have an unpleasantly chewy pizza. 

A low-quality or uncooked pizza dough may be too tough or too dense for the topping. You can also substitute dried herbs for salt or even add your own. Try combining some garlic with your pizza dough to make it even better. Just remember to always use extra virgin olive oil.

Mushroom Pizza Baking Procedure

  • Once the pizza crust is prepared, spread the sauce on it, leaving a half-inch border. Top the mushrooms with mozzarella. 
  • Then add the rest of the cooked mushrooms. 
  • Sprinkle parmesan cheese with a pinch of salt and pepper. 
  • Bake the pizza until the cheese has browned. 
  • While it's hot, be sure to check its crust to make sure it's done properly. 
  • When done, the mushroom pizza is ready to be served.

If you follow the steps above, you'll be able to bake your own pizza in no time. However, if you want authentic Italian pizza delivered to the comfort of your own home, order an Italian four cheese pizza and lay out your mushroom toppings on top before baking. Be sure that the pizza is gonna have a personal touch of your own while tasting delicious! 

How To Saute Mushrooms For Pizza

If you'd prefer a different flavor to your mushrooms, you can saute them in olive oil before adding them to the pizza. The olive oil should be hot enough to make them sizzle and cook for 10 minutes. 

Then, add seasoning according to your personal preferences. Saute the mushrooms in a single layer, turning them over as they cook to achieve even cooking. Once done, pile them up on paper towels and let them dehydrate before putting it on top of your pizza base.

Once cooled, throw them in with your crust and watch the magic happen in the oven!

Final Word

If you've come this far, we're certain you know all about the best mushrooms for pizza topping by now. If you want frozen Neapolitan truffle pizza, order now with just a click here and enjoy the flavors of Italian delicacy at home. Hence, till the next time, happy feasting and stay with Pizza Bien.


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