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How To Eat Pizza When You Have Diabetes

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 How To Eat Pizza When You Have Diabetes - Pizza Bien


No one can imagine a life without pizza. It’s one of the most popular go-to dishes that every age group enjoys. The twelve heavenly pizza slices never fail to reunite friends and family and uplift our spirits. However, pizza may not sound the same for diabetic patients.

Diabetes is a condition where your body turns its food-breaking procedure differently. A diabetic patient can rarely eat any food high in sugar since their blood sugar level  goes up quickly. A diabetic diet may seem challenging at times. However, it doesn’t have to be boring! 

Hence, many people wonder, “is there a pizza for diabetes?” The good news is, you can have your favorite slice of pizza while you keep your blood sugar at proper levels. 

To help you manage your diabetes and enjoy understanding how you can enjoy pizza, we’ve come to curate this article. Without any further ado, let’s start.


How Can A Diabetic Order Pizza?

Since pizza contains an abundance of carbohydrates, it can raise your diabetic sugar levels. Although you have been an obedient patient to follow a diabetic diet strictly, you can easily enjoy pizza. There are some essential factors you must remember when you order pizza, even when you have diabetes. 

  • Use ingredients low in sugar—research before you buy your choice of ingredients and toppings. 
  • Order a whole-wheat pizza with adequate greens. Ensure to eat whole greens for the next meal.
  • If you’re attempting to bake a pizza, use a cauliflower crust. Hacker free Neapolitan pizza made from whole wheat crusts works fine as well. Cut back on the cheese and meaty toppings. 
  • Ensure proper meal timing. If you’re having pizza for snack time, have only a slice. You may have half of a pizza during dinner time.


How To Enjoy Regular Pizza As a Diabetic

A person with diabetes can enjoy a regular pizza at the cost of tweaking their metabolism. You can eat a certain amount of traditional pizza that keeps your blood sugar rising at a steady rate and have a cozy fall. However, it would help if you had check-ups of levels of glycated hemoglobin after a good-sized meal. 

Eating pizza when you have diabetes may be tricky. You may feel fine after having an entire pizza all by yourself initially. However, later, your body will induce a delayed blood sugar rise. You may feel tired, exhausted, uneasy, and lethargic on the side.

We’ll talk more about how you can prevent having a delayed blood sugar rise while managing the fat-carbohydrate content in your pizza. Let’s get more into it. 


When Can a Diabetic Eat Pizza

In all honesty, the timing during your pizza consumption does not matter. However, what you have had in the previous meal matters. If you have diabetes, it is best to track your carbohydrate intake daily and see what your body is comfortable with. 

When you finally prepare your body and calculate the carb amount, you can enjoy your pizza accordingly. Before you try anything for yourself, it’s essential to contact your doctor and discuss including pizza in your diet.

If your doctor gives you the okay, go for it! You can have pizza when you’re hungry until you’re full, as long as you’re aware of your body’s capabilities. Don’t forget; your medicines must be compatible with the number of carbs as well!


Balancing Macronutrients When Eating Pizza as a Diabetic

Regular pizza has high-fat content and carbohydrates. There are healthy proteins as well. However, when choosing a pizza, we must balance those macro and micronutrients. 

Eating a pizza means starting from the crust; you should ensure proper fiber amounts. Many different types of sauce have added sugars; make sure to avoid that. The proteins on the crust and the pizza toppings should be lean as well. Your cheese selection should be lean as well. If you can, use plant-based cheese for a lesser fat and sugar count. 


How to Eat Pizza When You Have Diabetes Type 1

When you have type 1 diabetes, you are highly prone to having a delayed blood sugar rise. While the majority of the type 2 patients will steadily get a sugar rush, you may feel fine and suddenly miserable after quite some time. 

Cutting back on pizza seems like a saddening option when you have type 1 diabetes. However, this chronic disease can’t stop you from having the pizza bite you’ve been waiting for, for so long.


Dividing Your Insulin Shots

If you’re having regular pizza without any alterations made to it with type 1 diabetes, it’s best to divide your shots.

The best way to know how many shots of bolus to take is to count the macros beforehand. Hence, if you calculate your macros and decide you need four units, you should divide them. 

Spreading the injection at different times like before an hour, before half an hour, after half an hour after, and after an hour after eating pizza can help. 

You can also choose to customize the timings since you’re the one who knows their body better. However, it’s essential to contact your physician before you decide on making changes to your required bolus. 


How to Eat Pizza When You Have Diabetes Type 2

If you have type 2 diabetes, you don’t have to stress about having shots. However, it’s crucial to still worry about pairing pizza and having a stable blood sugar level. 


Track Your Calories 

You can squeeze in a delicious standard pizza just by cutting back on carbs from the meal you’re previously taken. Calculate your daily carb and fat intake before you start eating to calculate the proper proportions. 


Go On A Jog

If you plan on having pizza beforehand, go for a half an hour jog. If the pizza party comes unannounced, go for an after-dinner walk with a friend! Don’t forget to pair the greens with your pizza, be it a side or a topping. 


Can You Have Pizza If You Have Gestational Diabetes?

Every expecting mama out there has a raging thirst for having pizza when they’re experiencing gestational diabetes. Especially during the second or third trimester, it’s natural to crave that extra slice of cheesy goodness! 

Although, many seem to refrain from their beloved food just for fear of gestational diabetes. The great news is - we’re here to tell you it doesn’t have to be that way. You can have gestational diabetes and still enjoy a regular pizza!


How to Eat Pizza When You Have Gestational Diabetes

There are few options to enjoy a pizza when you’re pregnant and diagnosed with gestational diabetes. 


How to Eat Pizza When You Have Gestational Diabetes - pizza for diabetics - Pizza Bien


However, you can enjoy a pizza made out of the low carb, high protein, and high fat intake crust like a tortilla wrap. You can bake your wrap to resemble a pizza with reasonable amounts of protein! In this way, your gestational diabetes won’t worsen. 

Make sure you take the topic up to your dietician or gynecologist before you choose to eat normal pizza, even if the crust seems to be healthy.


Gluten-Free Pizza: A Good Choice For Diabetics?

Many corporations tend to advertise gluten-free pizzas as better for people with diabetes. However, we’re here to tell you that a gluten-free pizza does not mean it’s better for your blood sugar level.

So far, there has been minimal research data to prove that avoiding gluten can help your diabetes. Although, some recent research does show that doctors don’t recommend type 2 diabetic patients to avoid gluten as it may do more harm than good. 

However, gluten-free pizzas seem to have more protein and fiber content in comparison to regular pizza. Hence, if you find a pizza for diabetics that suits you, take it up with your dietician and begin digging in!


Suitable Pizza Crust and Topping Options for Diabetics

If you have diabetes of any type, it’s essential to know about your sugar intake levels. Ask your physician about your recommended carbohydrate and sugar amount for the day so you can count as you eat.

Whenever you’re opting for a healthier crust or topping substitute, make sure you check the ingredients. Sometimes, rice flour is used for cauliflower crusts which are not diabetic friendly. Opting for a whole wheat pizza may be the best choice at hand. 

As for the toppings, try to include as many vegetables as you can. You can add bell peppers, onions, spinach, olives, lean meat, plant-based cheese, and so much more!

If you’re looking for authentic Neapolitan frozen pizzas which taste amazing and are healthy at the same time, get yourself some fromPizza Bien. Their plant-based options are a lot healthier than the general pizzas available in the market. 



Hence, although there may be no specific pizzas for diabetics, you can make yourself one at home! You can also order fresh or frozen pizzas as a person with diabetes if you follow the proper diet instructions. 

Although, it’s essential to maintain your distance from unhealthy pizzas during big gatherings. After all, the food you intake must be complying with your blood sugar levels to keep you healthy. 

Type 1 or 2 diabetes, you can have it all with a bit of precaution! Hence, till the next time, happy feasting!


Disclaimer: The content on this blog post and website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult with a qualified and licensed physician or other medical care provider, and follow their advice without delay regardless of anything read on this website.

Always follow your doctor's advice and health care instructions!

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