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The Secret to the Perfect Pizza Dough: Malt Powder

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The Secret to the Perfect Pizza Dough - Malt Powder - Pizza Bien

You're lucky if you’ve ever wanted to make the perfect pizza dough at home.

Malt powder is a secret ingredient that will help you create a delicious and chewy pizza crust with that perfect golden-brown color.

But what is malt powder, and how do you use it in pizza dough? Let’s find out!

What Is Malt Powder?

Malt powder is made from sprouted barley which has been dried and ground into a fine powder.

It adds a subtle sweetness to any recipe, but more importantly, it adds an extra layer of flavor and texture to your pizza dough. It also helps enhance the color of the crust for that perfectly golden-brown finish.

What Does Malt Do To Pizza Dough?

Malt, one of the most understated but delicious ingredients in all types of baking, can make a world of difference to pizza dough.

When you add diastatic malt to your pizza dough mixture, it not only boosts the flavor but also helps to add a lightness and crispier texture while cooking. Furthermore, it helps to create an intense aroma when the pizza is cooked that will waft through your kitchen!

Whether using malt syrup or powder in your recipe, you'll be sure to notice a much better taste and smell when it's finished. With its subtle sweetness and crunchy crust, adding a delicious kick is just what pizza needs!

How Much Diastatic Malt Powder To Use In Pizza Dough?

When using malt powder in your pizza dough recipe, 1 teaspoon per cup of flour is a good rule of thumb. This should give your pizza dough added flavor and texture without overpowering it.

You can always add more if you want an even stronger flavor or color. Just keep in mind that too much malt powder can make your dough sweet or overly chewy, so start with a small amount and adjust as needed.

Tips for Using Malt Powder in Pizza Dough

When using malt powder in your pizza dough, there are a few key tips to keep in mind: 

  • Ensure the malt powder is completely dissolved before adding it to the other ingredients. This will ensure that all its flavors are fully incorporated into the dough.   
  • Allow plenty of time for fermentation. As with any yeast-based dough, allowing time for fermentation gives the flavors time to develop and ensures an optimal rise when baking.
  • Be mindful of temperature when mixing ingredients; foods like eggs tend to become tough when mixed at high temperatures, so opt for lukewarm water instead of hot water when making your pizzas at home.         

What Are The Diastatic Malt Powder Substitutes?

What Are The Diastatic Malt Powder Substitutes - Pizza Bien

Several alternatives may be worth considering if you're looking for a diastatic malt powder substitute to give your recipe a boost.

The most popular diastatic malt powder substitutes are

  • Barley flour
  • Malted milk powder, and
  • Raw wheat grain

These options are full of flavor and can provide the desired sweetness or depth for your recipe. 

Just remember to adjust sugar levels accordingly, as all of these diastatic malt powder substitutes will add their sweetness to whatever recipe you decide to use them in.

What is Unique About Barley Flour for Pizza

Unlike whole wheat flour or all-purpose flour/Plain/Maida, Barley flour contains significantly less gluten. The elastic dough that is typical of pizza is thus somewhat elusive. As you rolled out the dough, tiny cracks would appear.

The pizza crust is typically made with 100% whole barley flour, but you may also use whole wheat flour or plain flour (also known as "Maida") if you like.

This base wasn't as moist as the wheat-based pizza, which was a letdown. There is a noticeable roughness on the surface. That's not the same as regular pizza, but I enjoyed the nuttier foundation flavor.

To do this, I rolled it out thin. A crusty bottom will not result from our heavy rolling. The thin crust is going to be the best.

While I wouldn't call it entirely guilt-free, it becomes closer to that when the base is made with healthy wheat and nutritious toppings like vegetables and high-quality cheese are added.


Using malt powder in your homemade pizza recipes can add subtle complexity and flavor without overpowering other ingredients or making the dough overly sweet.

Keep these tips in mind when using malt powder, and you'll be sure to make delicious pizzas every time!

With just a bit of practice, you'll soon be able to impress family and friends with your newfound culinary skills!

In the meantime, don’t forget to order freshly made Neapolitan pizza from Italy. They are just a click away.

Our Italian pizzas from Italy are handmade with all-natural high quality and fresh ingredients in Naples, Italy, and delivered to you anywhere in the U.S. Click Here to Buy Now!



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