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What is Italy's favorite pizza?

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Italian Pizza

Are you trying to find the best pizza in Naples, Italy? It goes without saying that this is the food that the world adores the most, but can you believe that just in Italy, 135 million pizzas are produced each month? In addition to being the most well-known food in the world, pizza is a classic Italian dish. So, what do you think is Italy’s favorite pizza? What are the different kinds of Italian pizza that people love? Let’s find out the best pizza in Italy Naples, shall we? Keep reading to find out different types of the best pizzas in Italy Naples. With delicious Italian pizza varieties like this, we are sure that you will be on a flight to Italy next. So, let’s delve deep into finding different delicious Italian pizzas and experience the taste of an actual Italian Pizza

  1. Margherita

The Margherita pizza was originally made for Queen Margherita in Naples in 1889 using fresh basil, mozzarella, and tomato. If you are in Naples, Italy, and you love Margherita pizza, you must definitely try it! Here in Naples, you get to enjoy the best-tasting Margarita ever as the locals cook it with tomatoes, fresh basil leaves, and Fior di Latte mozzarella cheese. Delicious Italian pizza margherita is thus made and the addition of the secret ingredient of extra virgin oil on the top is nothing short of magic. 

  1. Pizza Bufala

Another crowd-favorite delicious Italian Pizza is the Pizza Bufala. With one major exception, Pizza Bufala's ingredients are the same as those in Margherita. They use Bufala cheese rather than Fior di Latte mozzarella. This kind of mozzarella is likewise manufactured with milk but from water buffaloes. Another core difference between the Margherita and Bufala pizzas is that the first one has the cheese added before going into the oven made of wood. In Bufala, however, the cheese is freshly placed on the top as soon as the pizza is baked. This gives this Italian pizza a fresher, more energizing flavor.  Bufala is another type of pizza in Italy that we recommend trying in Naples if you get the chance. 

  1. Marinara

The simplest and most elegant pizza to ever exist is the Marinara pizza. Pizza with marinara sauce has become a staple of Naples and is one of the most delicious Italian pizzas. Only tomato sauce, garlic, oregano, and oil are used to top the marinara. After Bufala, this is arguably the second most popular pizza in Italy. Although the word "marinara" means "seafaring," there isn't any fish on this pizza. A unique fact about the Marinara is that since it doesn't have any cheese or meat on it, the ingredients can be transported and kept fresh for a longer amount of time, making it the best pizza for sailors. On longer voyages, sailors could prepare a Marinara by bringing the materials with them. The name "Marinara" actually derives from this interesting fable.

Beautiful Italian homes
  1. Capricciosa 

This elegant Italian pizza is just amazing. Tomato, mozzarella, mushrooms, artichokes, capers, cooked or raw gammon, and only black olives are used to make capricciosa. Rich, delectable, and a huge classic, capricciosa is something you could choose if you are in Italy, especially in Rome! Rome was singled out because there the Capricciosa is served with an egg on top, which may sound strange to some of you, but an egg on pizza is just absolutely incredible! This completely alters the flavor of the pizza, which can come as quite a surprise for many pizza lovers. Many of you who are not Italians are accustomed to the crammed-full pizza with a variety of ingredients. But in Italy, you will find pizzas to be much more spaced out and this could come as a shock at first. Capricciosa is a great option if you love different toppings and flavor notes. Try this actual Italian pizza that is mouth-watering and unique. 

  1. Quattro Stagioni

This pizza is for all the people who appreciate food art. Quattro Staggioni Pizza won't let you down on this. The components for this delicious pizza are the same as those for the Capricciosa, but the pizzaiolo would divide the four ingredients into four parts of the pizza, signifying the four seasons. Four seasons are referred to as "Quattro Stagioni," which is how the term was derived. Artichokes, mushrooms, ham, and black olives are sprinkled on top of the first, second, third, and fourth halves, respectively. The Quattro Staggioni won't let you down if you're looking for authentic, delicious Italian pizza! Of course, there are toppings underneath the toppers as well, including tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese all from Italy.

  1. Boscaiola 

Boscaiola pizza, a staple in Naples, is made with mozzarella cheese, champignon mushrooms, and sausage. You can decide whether to season it with tomatoes as well, depending on your preferences. You should be aware that Boscaiola is something that many parts of Italy do not serve. But it’s another classic dish and a popular choice indeed. The use of gammon and cheese along with sausage makes this pizza absolutely marvelous. The sausage in Boscaiola is more likely to be sausage meat than sausage slices. This one is the perfect delicious Italian pizza for all our sausage lovers. 

  1. Diavola Pizza

The Diavola is yet another favorite of authentic Italian pizza. This can be found at practically any pizza restaurant in Italy. Diavola, which literally translates to "Devil's Pizza," earned this nickname as a result of the ingredients used in its preparation. The Diavola is made with mozzarella, spicy salami, and tomato sauce. Its overall color is red because the salami is also red, and because of the spiciness and color combination, it has earned the name of being "devil's pizza." If you want spicy food, this is among the best kinds of pizza you might get in Italy!

  1. Napoli Pizza

Pizza, as we all know, has its roots in Naples. Napoli Pizza is best known for its simplicity. Only anchovy filets, minced garlic, and a liberal amount of pungent oregano are required. The most popular foods in Italy are classic pizza, calzones, and pizzoli, although pizza scrolls are also well-liked, especially for aperitivo at home or served in bars. Napoli pizza is definitely a must-try if you are in Italy.


Pizza is undoubtedly the most loved and popular dish both inside and outside Italy. The favorite pizza in Italy definitely doesn’t have one answer. With so many varieties available you get to choose anything according to your heart. So, with Pizza Bien, you get to enjoy a wide array of pizzas. Multiple doughs, different crusts, sauces, ingredients, and seasonings all shipped right from the one and only Naples. Place your order today and enjoy this amazing array of pizzas.


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