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How to Use Mexican Chimichurri Sauce For Pizza?

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How to Use Mexican Chimichurri Sauce For Pizza - Pizza Bien

Have you ever tried adding Mexican chimichurri sauce to your pizza?

It's an inventive way to give your homemade pizzas a unique and flavorful twist!

Chimichurri is a condiment that originated in Argentina, made up of parsley, garlic, oregano, pepper flakes, onion, vinegar, and olive oil. Its slightly tangy taste adds another layer of deliciousness to the perfect pizza slice.

If you're looking for new ways to make homemade pizzas more interesting or just want something new in your flavor repertoire – look no further than this piquant sauce.

In this blog post, we'll show you how easy it can be to use Mexican chimichurri on top of your next homemade pizza masterpiece!

Mexican Chimichurri Sauce For Pizza Recipe


  • Pre-made pizza dough
  • 1/2 cup chimichurri sauce
  • 3/4 cup churrasco
  • 1 1/2 cup mozzarella cheese


  1. The oven needs to be preheated to 450 degrees. It's essential to use a pizza stone if you have one.
  2. Get ready for your pizza dough from scratch or at the shop. Sprinkle flour on your work area and the dough as needed to keep it from sticking as you roll it into a circle that will fit your pizza stone or baking pan.
  3. Cornmeal should coat the baking dish or pizza peel (if a stone is used). Gently transfer the pizza dough to the baking peel or tray. Spread the chimichurri sauce evenly with the back of a big spoon after adding it. Flourishes with mozzarella.
  4. Thinly slice the churrasco so that you may easily eat it. Typically, you may get three pizza slices out of each thin slice of the original churrasco. Please note that these are just rough estimates that can be adjusted to suit your needs.
  5. Cook the pizza for 10 to 12 minutes or until the mozzarella is golden in the oven. Chilled churrasco from leftovers can be sprinkled haphazardly over a pizza approximately five minutes into cooking. After the pizza has been baked, you can add the churrasco if it is still warm from cooking.
  6. Cut it up and eat it while it's still hot. Do you prefer your pizzas cut into squares or triangles?

Chimichurri Sauce Ingredients

The main ingredients of Mexican chimichurri:

  • Chiles de Árbol
  • Onion
  • Garlic
  • Mayonnaise
  • Dijon mustard

In different parts of Mexico, people also add:

  • Raw egg
  • Olive oil
  • White vinegar
  • Oregano, black pepper, cilantro, or other spices

Origin of Chimichurri Pizza Sauce

Origin of Chimichurri Pizza Sauce - Pizza Bien

Chimichurri, a Mexican sauce, is frequently used as a pizza topping. It's a typical condiment in central Mexico's Bajo (lowlands). Aguascalientes, Jalisco, Guanajuato, and Queretaro are all part of the Bajo region.

Chimichurri from Mexico is not commonly used outside of Mexico. But numerous versions of this sauce with various names are common all over Mexico and Latin America.

Color-wise and flavor-wise, the sauce is remarkably close to Benihana's famous shrimp sauce. Chimichurri is a simpler and hotter alternative to traditional shrimp sauce.

Difference Between Argentinian Chimichurri and Mexican Chimichurri

Dig into delightful South American cuisine with Argentinian and Mexican Chimichurri!

A staple in the cuisines of the two countries, Chimichurri is a bright green herb sauce used as a condiment. Though similar in ingredients, there's a difference between Argentinian and Mexican Chimichurri sauces.

Argentinian Chimichurri tends to be slightly heavier on herbs like oregano and garlic. At the same time, Mexican Chimichurrimight is made with additional ingredients, such as lime juice, to give it an extra tangy kick.

So next time you're grilling steaks or other meats, why not serve up some Argentinian and Mexican Chimichurri for your guests - they're sure to love two zesty twists on this delicious condiment!

Other Uses of Chimichurri Sauce

Chimichurri is a popular South American sauce, and while pizza is its most known application, it really is an "everything" sauce. Examples of additional frequent applications include the following:

  • Quesadillas
  • Hamburgers
  • Hotdogs
  • Tacos
  • Scrambled eggs
  • Shrimp/ scallops or other seafood


If you want a delicious and unique pizza sauce, try chimichurri. This Argentinian sauce is made with fresh herbs and spices and pairs perfectly with pizza.

You can find many variations of chimichurri sauce, so experiment until you find the recipe that best suits your taste buds. Thanks for joining us on this culinary journey through Argentina and Mexico!

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