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Nutritional Value Of Pizza Will Make You Order an Extra One for Dinner

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Nutritional Value Of Pizza Will Make You Order an Extra One for Dinner - Pizza Bien

If you're looking for a quick, inexpensive, and healthy meal, pizza is the perfect option.

 Pizza has been around since Prehistoric times as flat-baked bread with toppings that were used to preserve food in Roman culture. The variety of pizzas available today include frozen or fresh pies (either sliced or whole). Vegetables, tomato sauce, and cheese are typically spread on top before it's cooked up by an oven.

In the case of authentic Neapolitan pizza, the cooking time is around a minute at a high temperature. However, it may vary depending upon thickness. Then the pie is served sizzling hot!

People all over love what this dish offers: whether for a late-night snack after having a cocktail; during birthday celebrations or any special occasion, nothing will satisfy you more than a gooey melted cheese on a crispy crust pie. But what about the nutritional value of pizza? Let’s check it out.

Nutritional Value of Fresh Pizza

For some, pizza is a guilty pleasure. It's often made from scratch and contains ingredients that are fresh and much better for you than the frozen varieties available at grocery stores or fast-food restaurants.

In Pizza Bien, this means using only natural ingredients like dough mixed with extra virgin olive oil as opposed to preservatives like butter along with unprocessed white flour; tomato sauce without added sugar; abundance of cheese --either mozzarella or parmigiano reggiano --and toppings such as mushrooms, pesto, truffles, and plant-based pepperoni  instead of processed meats!

Is Frozen Pizza Healthy According to Nutritionists?

Frozen pizzas are a popular meal choice for many people, but they come with their own set of drawbacks. They're typically high in calories, sugar, and sodium.

There's room to make healthier choices with frozen pizza than ordering out or purchasing pre-made versions from the grocery stores. However,  these options have higher levels of artificial preservatives and unhealthy fats as compared to homemade varieties.

They are often lower calorie options that also allow users the freedom to customize toppings based on personal preferences such as those who follow vegetarian diets can opt for vegetables like mushrooms instead of meat products.

A single serving (1/4) of typical Frozen Pizza contains 380 calories - 18 grams fat - 39 grams carbs - 8 grams sugars.

Are Fast Food Pizzas Any Good?

Fast-food pizza is one of the most unhealthy options for food. It can contain up to 38% more sodium than your recommended daily intake. They may also have harmful ingredients like monosodium glutamate, artificial colorings, or high-fructose corn syrup.

They will make you feel sicker after eating it. Nutritional value of pizza (167 grams) made of any processed meat provides Calories: 460 Fat: 26 grams Carbs 37 Grams Sugar 1 Gram Sodium 900 mg.

Fresh Pizza Have Some Health Benefits Too

Pizza is nutritious, delicious, and healthy. The health benefits of pizza come from the tomato sauce which contains lycopene that helps to fight various types of cancer; extra virgin olive oil lowers LDL cholesterol while raising HDL cholesterol to prevent heart ailments.

Mozzarella cheese has a high amount of protein and calcium, also garlic provides manganese selenium as well as Vitamin C. Oregano contributes to its vitamin K content along with oils and fiber.

Quick Energy Boost

The presence of phosphorus in cheese and flour helps to eliminate the health ailments such as numbness, weakness, and fatigue.

The adequate amount of phosphorus keeps people active and fit while helping treat sexual weaknesses like frigidity, loss of libido, sperm motility, or impotence in men.

Cancer Prevention

Folate is a vitamin found chiefly in green leafy vegetables, which has been shown to reduce the risk of cancer. And you know how basil and spinach can twist the flavor of your pizza.

It can help prevent colon, cervical, and lung cancers from developing by eliminating them before they get started. Doctors recommend including this important nutrient for your health!

Keeps the Hemoglobin High

Freshly made pizza is a great source of high-quality iron, especially from cheese and flour. Iron is vital to the formation of hemoglobin, a compound that releases oxygen and gives blood its rich color.

Extra hemoglobin prevents anemia when women lose too much blood during periods or injuries in other parts of the body.

Protein Boost Immunity

Proteins are known to strengthen the immune system. And, the dough, cheese, mushroom, and olive oil have a lot of it. They prevent illnesses by eliminating harmful antigens with antibodies, and they stop them from being produced in the body at all!

Help To Reduce Obesity

Fresh pizza is a great source of Calcium. And the calcium in your diet helps keep your weight maintained by releasing parathyroid hormones which stimulate the bones to release into the bloodstream.

It also accelerates fat production and prevents the breakdown of fats so that they can be stored as reserves.

It Keeps You Focused

Niacin or Vitamin B3 is a necessary nutrient that helps to promote digestion and healthy skin. You can get it in plenty from our San Marzano tomato sauce, fresh cheese, and dough.

The nervous system functions also rely on this vitamin as it assists in nerve function maintenance which promotes good appetite health for the body too.

Let’s Not Forget the Drawbacks

Let’s Not Forget the Drawbacks - nutritional value of pizza - Pizza Bien

The cons of Pizza will indeed overrun its health benefits. But it depends on how you make or order your pizza. Before deducing your toppings take a look at some of the common drawbacks.

Weight Gain

Pizza is bad food in the fast-paced, modern world. Even when consumed sparingly it can lead to weight gain because of its high-calorie content and sedentary lifestyle that eaters have developed over time.

A slice of pizza contains 3500 calories which could cause someone's body weight by one pound if eaten 500 times per week for an entire year!

Problem in Intestine

Pizza can be a great way to celebrate, but it comes with consequences. The high amount of carbohydrates found in pizza might cause constipation and gastrointestinal problems after eating too much over time.

Cardiovascular Issues

Excessive sodium intake can significantly increase the chances of stroke as it causes an imbalance in the fluid inside and outside cells, raises blood pressure which increases your risk for a heart attack or stroke.

A recent study shows that excessive salt consumption not only may lead to high blood pressure but also a 17% higher chance of having a stroke!

Skin Issue

Pizza is a favorite among many, but it holds more than just cheese and pepperoni. Pizza contains high amounts of fat, sugar, and dairy that can affect the hormones in teenagers.

The type of food consumed daily will raise sebum oil production which could lead to acne or breakouts on your face if eaten too frequently!

Nutritional Value of Pizza Depends On Your Choice

Yes, it’s up to you. If you order fresh pizza from one of the finest Neapolitan pizzerias like Pizza Bien, it will be filled with freshness and goodness of nature. 

Now the ball is on your court. Let us know where you want to send it.


Our delicious pizzas are handcrafted with all-natural freshness of high quality ingredients (nothing pre-made or processed) in Italy. Get these pizzas shipped straight to your front door. Free Shipping Nationwide. Click Here to Buy Now!





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